Jonna Mendez

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Target Taps Former CIA Chief of Disguise to Decode Kids’ Wish Lists this Holiday

The Washington Post

CIA’s former ‘chief of disguise’ has a new holiday job: ‘Kids’ Gift Detective’ for Target

What does it take to get your children the perfect holiday gift? A professional sleuth, apparently.

As the pressure to win the holiday shopping battle builds, marketers are inventing creative ways to help parents strategize.

Enter Jonna Mendez.

After a 27-year career at the CIA, the former “chief of disguise” (yes, that was her actual title) has an unconventional retirement job — teaching parents to scope out their kids’ wish lists. Mendez’s official role is Target’s “Kids’ Gift Detective.” This season, she is sharing years of spy expertise in an online series that will guide mommy-bloggers in their quest to identify their children’s favorite things.