Jonna Mendez

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Heroines Undercover: Better Half Of Discretion

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Heroines Undercover: Better Half Of Discretion

The Washington TimesMost people who meet Jonna Mendez don’t see her as a spy ” and that’s exactly the way she likes it.A good spy, she says, would never be as ostentatious as James Bond in a casino surrounded by beautiful women or Jack Ryan slipping his CIA business card to a Colombian drug lord.No, a good spy is someone hardly noticed at all, such as a housewife hanging on the arm of her diplomat husband. It’s one reason women make such good spies, Mrs. Mendez says.“Non-working wives learn all kinds of things that the husbands would like to know,” she says.[/vc_column_text] [vc_button title="Click to read full article" href="" color="btn-info" size="wpb_regularsize" icon="none" target="_blank" el_position="last"] [/vc_column] [/vc_row]